Beginner's Guide to Reading Romance Novels - Benefits of Buying Second Hand Novels
We’re not going to lie: we used to scoff at the prospect of reading romance. It was all fluff and cheesy innuendos to us, with no substance (shirtless Fabio, anyone?). Many of our friends and co-workers felt the same way, and they weren't alone. We had no idea why romance is a billion-dollar industry.
So, how did we come to reconsider our feelings toward romance? Fortunately, a co-worker persuaded us to read The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory, which was described as "a charming, warm, sexy gem of a novel." We tried it, and we’re glad we did! We were surprised at how quickly we became invested in the story and characters, as well as the clever and witty dialogue and mouth-watering food descriptions. To say the least, the book exceeded our expectations, and we’re now a proud reader of romance novels.
Getting into the romance book genre can be difficult, so we at Usedbooksfactory, broke it down for you.
Beginner’s Guide to Reading Romance Novels
What exactly is a romance novel?
Romance novels, as the name implies, are heavily focused on romantic relationships. According to the Romance Writers of America, "every romance novel contains two basic elements: a central love story and an emotionally satisfying and optimistic ending." These core ingredients are essential, but authors are free to be as creative as they want to be after that. We’re not going to pretend that there aren't any formulaic romance novels out there, but there are also endless possibilities for creating a fantastic story, as many writers do.
What is the distinction between a YA and a New Adult/Adult romance?
It's mostly just the themes discussed, just like the difference between YA fantasy and Adult fantasy. An adult romance may address explicit issues, or other issues, but in an explicit manner, whereas YA does so in a more subtle manner, or not at all (but that's a topic for another post).
Also, most adult romance contains explicit sexual scenes, so if you're not comfortable with that, we’d suggest starting with YA romance. Another thing to keep in mind if you're not comfortable with this type of content: always look in Usedbooksfactory's "categories" section. If "erotica" is included, those books have a plethora (and we mean plethora) of explicit sex scenes.
Subgenres of Romance
The romance genre is massive. There are numerous subgenres within it that you can explore based on your specific interests. Some of the big ones are contemporary and historical; the year 1950, according to the RWA, marks the divide between the two. Anything set before that year is considered historical, while anything set after that year is considered contemporary.
There is also erotic, a subgenre in which sex scenes play an important role in the plot's development (think: Fifty Shades of Grey, possibly the most famous example). Meanwhile, inspirational romances incorporate religious or spiritual beliefs into the plot, whereas romantic suspense includes a mystery in addition to the love story. Other subgenres to consider are paranormal, steampunk, and young adult.
However, the aforementioned subgenres are far from the end of the list. You can categorize them in a variety of ways, as there can be overlap and more specific categories within broader ones (for example, time travel within paranormal). You can almost certainly find a romance topic that interests you, whether it's same-sex couples, second-chance stories, Regency, or polyamory. While there may not be many inspirational, erotic, or paranormal romances available, there are bound to be some titles. (And there may be more if you take an idea and write it yourself!)
In Romance Novels, There Is Sex
Now that we’ve brought up erotic romance, let's move on to a topic that piques everyone's interest: let's talk about sex, baby. Romance novels are not solely about sex, but it does play a role because it is a component of love. Some romance novels contain sex scenes, while others do not. Because subgenres vary so widely, the heat level varies as well. Some romance novels restrict expressions of love to chaste kisses, while others become extremely steamy.
As with any genre, the writing quality varies from book to book and author to author, so if you're expecting cheesy hookups on the pages of romances, think again. Some authors or romance novels may make you roll your eyes with references to "his staff" or "her most secret, womanly place," but there are others who craft sexy scenes with skill. There is no shortage of gifted romance novelists, and anyone who claims otherwise hasn't read enough of the genre.
Why should you read romance novels?
Aside from the obvious fact that it's (DUH) amazing, romance is the genre that gives us the most feels, whether sad or happy. It's easy to follow and doesn't require much concentration, so it's a good option if you don't want to lose the habit of reading even when you're busy. Furthermore, most of the time the stories are not very long (300-400 pages).
Who likes to read romance novels?
Romance novels have a negative stigma attached to them, making them a guilty pleasure for many booklovers. The reasoning isn't entirely clear, but one major reason the genre receives so much criticism is that it is mostly written, read, and edited by women. The irony is that the reviled novels account for a sizable portion of all books sold each year — in fact, they are a $1 billion-plus industry.
So, who exactly is reading all of these books? If not mentioned earlier, they're mostly women, but it's not just your mother who enjoys romance novels. According to statistics, the majority of romance readers are young women between the ages of 18 and 44. They're people who, by definition of the genre, enjoy a happy-ending love story — and who can blame them?
Second Hand Books
Second hand books are more cost effective than new ones from the bookstore. Do you understand why?
Because second hand books are less expensive and, on the other hand, you don't have to go out into the market and start looking for books that aren't usually available in regular stores. This will be accomplished with the help of a simple online click while you sit at home and browse through some second hand books.
Benefits of Buying Second Hand Novels from Second Hand Book Stores
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