Surprise box - A box of handpicked books by UsedBooksFactory

Build your own mini home library at just ₹ 1399

Surprise box

A box full of books, bookmarks, merchandise based on the category you choose. Check category details in the details section.

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10 books - ₹ 1399
25 books - ₹ 2499
40 books - ₹ 3499
10 books - ₹ 1499
10 books ₹ 1599
10 books - ₹ 1599[Hot]
10 books - ₹ 1999
10 books - ₹ 1599

"This Surprise box has made me step out of my comfort zone & explore other genres, authors whom I don't know. Thanks a ton!"

- Supriya , our happy customer

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We have a notes section in order page that lets you type the books which you already have. Our team will not include those books.
  1. Choose category & size - Our team would handpick books from the category you choose

  2. One Time Payment - Pay only for the box. Our team adds books as listed in category details

  3. Free Bookmarks - Free bookmark for every book. Interesting and glossy bookmarks in every box

  4. Surprise Merchandise - Book themed Badge / Keychain. Unisex book themed product to add joy for book lovers

  5. Free Delivery - Free shipping to doorstep

Yes, we have another offer named THE UBF BOX, which lets you choose the books. You may also order books individually by using search or visiting category pages.

Sorry, we only give it as mix of genres to ensure future customers do not miss on specifc categories due to out of stock. However, due to huge demand on Mystery, Thriller categories, we have added the same.

Yes, we have a 24 hours full refund window. You need to raise return request within 24 hours of delivery. Please read our Returns and Refund policy for more information.
We recommend Surprise box to customers who are open to read all genres. If you are looking for specific books, we recommend to order books individually or try THE UBF BOX.
Box & Catetgory Details
Fiction Fiction box includes a blend of Mystery & Thriller, Romance, Fantasy, Classics, Young Adult, Historical & more
Fiction BestsellersFiction Best sellers box includes books like Dan Brown, Lee Child, David Baldacci,Jo Nesbo, Danielle Steel, Jodi Picoult & more
Thriller Thriller box includes books only from Mystery, Thriller and Crime genres.
Mixed Fiction Non-fiction Mix of Fiction & Non Fiction viz. Mystery, Romance, Historical, Self-Help, Biography , Autobiography, Travel & more
Non-FictionNon fiction box includes a blend of Self-help, Biography, AutoBiography, History, Travel and more
Hardcover fiction Hard bound thick covered books, mostly loved by book collectors

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