Unlimited Book Fair |India's largest offline books box sale

Unlimited Book Fair Events

Pay for the box & fill unlimited books of your choice



Load unlimited books into a box, and pay only for the box size.

  • 📦 Small Box - ₹ 1199 (10-12 books approx)

  • 📦 Medium Box - ₹ 1999 (15-17 books approx)

  • 📦 Large Box - ₹ 2999 (28-30 books approx)

  • Books count is only an approximation. More/less books can be filled based on book size

The aim is to share an opportunity for book-lovers to pick variety of books at lesser price. This is a bigger discount than books by weight. We have 10 Lakhs+ preowned books, from various genres.

  • ⭐ Children - Lift the flap, Sound books, board books, Encyclopedia, Touch & Feel books, Learning books etc.

  • ⭐ Fiction - Thriller, Crime, History, Romance, Classics, Fantasy, Young adult etc.

  • ⭐ Non Fiction - Self Help, Autobiography, Business, Health & Fitness, Travel, Sports etc.

Upcoming Events/Ongoing Events

Event Mode: Offline

Chennai Annanagar Unlimited Bookfair

DK Mahal, W-114, 3rd Ave, W Block, Anna Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600040

February 21, 2025 - February 24, 2025

10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.

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Second hand Romance books | Second hand Science Fiction books | Second hand Mystery,Thriller,Adventure books | Second hand Young Adult books | Second hand Multiple Combo fiction books | Second hand Other Fiction books | Second hand Self-help books | Second hand Finance & Investment books | Second hand Leadership, Management & Businessbooks | Second hand Auto Biography books | Second hand History & True Crime books | Second hand Encyclopedia & Dictionary books | Second hand Religious & Spiritual books | Second hand Wildlife & Animals books | Second hand Travel & Culture books | Second hand Health, Diet & Yoga books | Second hand Art (Photography, Music, Movie) books | Second hand Sports books | Second hand Multiple Combo Non fiction books | Second hand Other Non fiction books | Preloved Kids(Paperback,Hardcover,Board) books | Second hand kids Teen fiction books Second hand childrens learning books Second hand NCERT Text books | Second hand NCERT Reference books | Second hand IIT JEE books | Second hand NEET books | Second hand NCERT Question Papers books | Second hand Coaching Institute materials books | Second hand Others (Practicals) books | Second hand 1st Year Books | Second hand Engineering Mathematics books | Second hand Mechanical books | Second hand CSE / IT books | Second hand ECE / EEEbooks | Second hand CIVILbooks | Second hand Question Papers books | Second hand Other books | Second hand CAT / GMAT books | Second hand GATE / GRE books | Second hand Civil Services/UPSC books | Second hand Banking books | Second hand Language(TOEFL/IELTS) books | Second hand Other Government Jobs books | Second hand Medical books | Second hand Management books | Second hand Wholesale books |


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