About Us | UsedBooksFactory

About Us

Welcome to UsedBooksFactory !

UsedBooksFactory is an online venture to serve preowned books throughout India. We are India's first market place for second hand books. We partner with multiple second hand retailers and markets around various cities, thus expanding our inventory and ease of access.

We deal with educational sector including School, College, University and recreational sector including Novels, activity oriented books for kids. Starting as a small business in Chennai, we have big dreams to spread our wings over the globe. Our aim is to bind the gap between people looking for used books and the ones disposing the same.

We are taking steps towards partnering with schools and universities, to collect and distribute books, and thus encourage students to follow "Reduce,Reuse and Recycle" , thereby making this place better and greener. We welcome schools and colleges to Contact us for the same. With a motivated team, we strive to deliver books with best quality and efficient shipping methods.

Our Team

UsedBooksFactory is proud to have dynamic and enthusiastic team players. We have domain specific team members in the fields of Technology, Operations and Marketing.

Our founder Thilak Desingh, is passionate in the domain of preowned products. Thilak comes from a technical background, and had been working in corporates in Software wing. He is completely into UsedBooksFactory and is excited to witness the growth.

Thilak can be reached on LinkedIn - Thilak Desingh

Used very good books

Thilak Desingh


We have our own inventory other than partnering with markets and second hand retailers. We collect used books from many sources and pile it up in our warehouse. These include collecting books from customers who like to donate and give away the books, customers who wish to sell their preowned old books. Our QA team segregates these books based on quality. Major filtering takes place here, with worn-out books being recycled. Soiled books are reshaped and cleaned. We have a knowledgeable team which separates these books genre wise. Our core team lists these books on the website, and is thus available to users.

We believe Education's prime support is books. We take steps to distribute books to financially weak students to support them. Please contact us in case there are institutions or students looking for help. We would be running a background check and distribute the same.

Our History

We observed a lot of books going to trash, and eventually started collecting books from waste paper marts. A lot of efforts were taken to distinguish and segregate good quality used books. We eventually learned and moved to other sources to collect used books. With technology, we believe online used bookstore is the best way to deliver old books to doorstep. We started storing books in a small house and gradually moved to a small warehouse located at Manpakkam,Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

With growing customer needs, we converted ourselves from an in-house inventory to marketplace, thus partnering with multiple sellers. UsedBooksFactory has become a go-to bookstore for buying books at cheap rates without compromising on quality.

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Second hand Romance books | Second hand Science Fiction books | Second hand Mystery,Thriller,Adventure books | Second hand Young Adult books | Second hand Multiple Combo fiction books | Second hand Other Fiction books | Second hand Self-help books | Second hand Finance & Investment books | Second hand Leadership, Management & Businessbooks | Second hand Auto Biography books | Second hand History & True Crime books | Second hand Encyclopedia & Dictionary books | Second hand Religious & Spiritual books | Second hand Wildlife & Animals books | Second hand Travel & Culture books | Second hand Health, Diet & Yoga books | Second hand Art (Photography, Music, Movie) books | Second hand Sports books | Second hand Multiple Combo Non fiction books | Second hand Other Non fiction books | Preloved Kids(Paperback,Hardcover,Board) books | Second hand kids Teen fiction books Second hand childrens learning books Second hand NCERT Text books | Second hand NCERT Reference books | Second hand IIT JEE books | Second hand NEET books | Second hand NCERT Question Papers books | Second hand Coaching Institute materials books | Second hand Others (Practicals) books | Second hand 1st Year Books | Second hand Engineering Mathematics books | Second hand Mechanical books | Second hand CSE / IT books | Second hand ECE / EEEbooks | Second hand CIVILbooks | Second hand Question Papers books | Second hand Other books | Second hand CAT / GMAT books | Second hand GATE / GRE books | Second hand Civil Services/UPSC books | Second hand Banking books | Second hand Language(TOEFL/IELTS) books | Second hand Other Government Jobs books | Second hand Medical books | Second hand Management books | Second hand Wholesale books |


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