Why and where to buy second hand novels online

Why and where to buy second hand novels online

Why and where to buy second hand novels online

7 reasons why second hand novels should be preferred over new novels


1. Cheap and value for money


                        second hand novels are very cheap and affordable to buy. If you want to buy second hand novels online or in a bookstore, they offer a discount which ranges from 50% to 90% from MRP which means you can buy 3-4 used novels for the price of one new novel.                     


2.The Old Book Smell


                        There is nothing more satisfying like the smell of an old book or novel for a book lover. Even if you are blindfolded and taken to a second hand bookstore, you know exactly where you are without even seeing it. second hand bookstore for novels and books have that distinct smell that every bookworm craves for.                     


3.Finding old editions that aren't printed anymore


                        While browsing through the books in a second hand bookstore or a second hand bookstore online, there is a high possibility of finding the older versions of your favorite novel, or even the first edition copies. These editions of novels are much more valuable and special than the newer versions which are a must-have for every bookworm.                     


4.Connection to previous owners of the novels


                        Whenever someone owns a book, they leave some impressions in the novels while reading it. The underlined quote and the crinkle on the page are some of the little but special things about the used and second hand novels that will create some connection of you with the previous owner.                       


5.Eco-friendly Choice


                        One of the best ways a booklover can contribute to Mother Earth is by buying a second hand novel from a bookstore or online than buying a new book. The three R's - Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle helps in saving our planet and its resources. Buying a used book or novel saves twice as much energy as buying a new book. So Bookworms, be smart and go eco-friendly.                     


6.Second hand bookstores and online marketplace need our support and help


                        Used bookstores and online bookstores are not just selling books. They organize and categorize each book and conduct various community events to encourage people to read more.                     


7.Pass it along to other Bookworm


                        Acquiring and passing along a book gives life to it of its own and helps in                          creating a community of readers which is one of the most beautiful reasons for buying second hand novels.                     


Where to buy second hand novels in India


                        India is a huge hub for selling second hand books and novels. There are many online and offline sellers which deal with selling second hand novels at cheap and affordable price.                          

                        One of the most recommended places to buy second hand books online in India is Usedbooksfactory.com . UsedbooksFactory is an online marketplace connecting booksellers, local book markets, and book readers.                          

                        Usedbooksfactory offers a discount that ranges up to 90% off from MRP of books and novels.                         It has a huge range of books like second hand fictional novels and non-fictional, self-help books, preloved children books, comics, teen fiction novels, and educational second hand books for school, engineering, medical, CAT, GRE, Management, etc. at very cheap and affordable price.                         
                        Usedbooksfactory is one of the biggest second hand market places for novels in English. It's best selling English novels are Chetan Bhagat, Agatha Christie, Sidney Sheldon, David Baldacci, and more.                         
                        It has recently started selling regional books like Tamil novels. Usedbooksfactory has huge collections of novels in Tamil which is very rare to get anywhere else online as                          UsedbooksFactory has onboarded many of Moore Market's booksellers. Moore Market is very famous for selling old and second hand books in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.                         
                        UsedBooksfactory is the best bookstore to buy imported kid's books online. There are huge varieties of paperback, hardcover, and board books for toddlers. This second hand bookstore is the best marketplace for teen books. Teen books include Enid Blyton, Geronimo Stilton, Thea Stilton, and many more.                         
                        The next question which comes in people's mind while buying used and second hand books or novels is the quality and original (non-pirated) books.                         
                        UsedbooksFactory has a Quality Assurance team which ensures that the books or novels sold on its website are in a good state and the books are original. It has various categories to describe the condition of the book for the readers to understand the state of the book.                         
                        These are classified as                         


  • Used-Like-New books - Novels which almost look new. No significant signs of usage on novels covers or spine.
  • Used-Very-Good - Wrinkles may be found on the spine and cover of the Novels. Very few marks may be found.
  • Used Good - Similar to very good, but visible wrinkles, bends in spine and markings. Pages would be intact.
  • Used Readable - Pages would be intact. Soiling may be found with slight foxing and loss of page colors

                            The relevant pictures/ photographs of the novels conditions can be found on - Book Condition                         

                        One interesting feature of UsedBooksFactory is Request-Any-Book . Readers can place a request for any novels or books which are not available on the website. The booksellers across India will receive the request. If the requested book or novel is available with any of the sellers, then the reader would receive a notification email within 7 days stating the availability along with the price and condition of the novel or book.                                                                      



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