NCERT textbooks from class 6 to class 12 for UPSC / IAS Examinations

NCERT textbooks from class 6 to class 12 for UPSC / IAS Examinations

NCERT textbooks from class 6 to class 12 for UPSC / IAS Examinations

Where can i buy NCERT textbooks from class 6 to 12 ?

By now, you must have come to a conclusion that NCERT textbooks are the must read reference materials for civil services examination.You may across the same from from various other sources

I preferred to buy old textbooks since the topics are revised. Also, they are cheap and save a lot of money- IAS topper

NCERT CBSE bulks set

  1. 40 NCERT Complete textbook set(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)
  2. 10 NCERT textbook history set(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)
  3. 9 NCERT textbook geography set(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)

BULK PURCHASE - Buy the complete set from class 6 to 12 here
PDF DOWNLOAD - Download the complete pdf set from class 6 to class 12 here

Class 6 NCERT CBSE textbook

  1. History: Our Past(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)
  2. Geography: The Earth Our Habitat(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)
  3. Social Science: Social & Political Life I(Buy preowned book/ Buy new book)
  4. Science: Science: Class VI(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)
  5. " target="_blank"> Buy new book)

Class 7 NCERT CBSE textbook

  1. History: Our Past - II(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)
  2. " target="_blank"> Buy new book)
  3. Geography: Our Environment(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)
  4. " target="_blank"> Buy new book)
  5. Social Science: Social & Political Life II(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)
  6. Science: Science - Class VII(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)

Class 8 NCERT CBSE textbook

  1. History: Our Past III Part 1,2,3(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)
  2. Geography: Resource and Development(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)
  3. Social Science: Social & Political Life III(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)
  4. Science: Science - Class VIII(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)

Class 9 NCERT CBSE textbook

  1. History: India and the Contemporary World-I(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)
  2. Geography: Contemporary India - I(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)
  3. Political Science: Democratic Politics Part - I(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)
  4. Science: Class IX(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)
  5. Economics: Economics(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)

Class 10 NCERT CBSE textbook

  1. History: India and the Contemporary World - II(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)
  2. Geography: Contemporary India - II(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)
  3. Political Science: Democratic Politics Part - II(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)
  4. Science: Class X(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)
  5. Economics: Understanding Economic Development(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)

Class 11 NCERT CBSE textbook

  1. History: Themes in World History(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)
  2. Geography:
  3. Science:
  4. Economics:Indian Economic Development(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)
  5. Sociology: Understanding Society(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)
  6. Political Science: Indian Constitution at Work(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)
  7. Indian Culture:

Class 12 NCERT CBSE textbook

  1. History: Themes in Indian History(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)
  2. Geography:
  3. Science:
  4. Economics:Introductory Macroeconomics(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)
  5. Sociology:
  6. Political Science: Contemporary World Politics(Buy preowned book / Buy new book)


  • Name:Rajat

    Thanks for the post. One stop solution !

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