Travel books that will get you globetrotting

Travel books that will get you globetrotting

Travel books that will get you globetrotting

The success of any good travel book can be measured not by prizes, but by miles. The long distances that take our thoughts, and the miles they encourage us to walk, drive, and fly - those are the essentials of these books. And sometimes, reading a travel book you can change like a trip itself.

The end of the year is the time of the favorites list - and I've written about the best travel books ever! I love talking about travel books. Why? Because part of any traveler’s toolbar is a good book. Traveling by bus, train, or airplane can be tiring and can give you a lot of “death” time if you have not mastered the art of reading for 10 hours. In addition, reading travel books helps you learn about the places you visit. The more you know about a place, the more you can understand the place.

I am an avid reader and even provided links to all the books I have read. Today is one of those days where I share some of the books I have read recently! If you want a good read, here is my current list of best books to encourage you to travel far and wide from a highly suggested Second-hand E-Commerce Seller for cheap books from USEDBOOKSFACTORY :


The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho

Books about following your dreams, this is one of the most widely read books in recent history. The story follows a little shepherd boy traveling from Spain to Egypt as he follows his heart, going with the flow, and learning the love and meaning of life. The book is full of beautiful and inspiring quotes. My favorite: “If you can concentrate always on the present, you’ll be a happy man… Life will be a party for you, a grand festival because life is the moment we’re living right now.” I can’t recommend this book enough. It will move your soul.


Love With a Chance of Drowning, by Torre DeRoche

The book was written by tourism blogger Torre DeRoche, and, while I used to dislike the “love stories of walking chickens”, I couldn’t put it down. It is a well-written book about overcoming her fear of the ocean-going across the Pacific with her boyfriend. The way he described the beauty of the place, the people and his experience made me want to follow in his footsteps. It's powerful, it's clear, and it's moving. It is the best book I have ever read in a whole year.


The Caliph’s House: A Year in Casablanca by Tahir Shah

Encouraged by Moroccan holidays in his childhood, Shah decides to buy a house in Casablanca. She is moving her family out of England in the hope that she will step out of the London monarchy and expose her children to a carefree childhood. I chose this randomly at the bookstore and I couldn't put it down. Shah is a troubling writer and I was attached to all the names. In the face of corruption, local authorities, thieves, gangs, genetics, and the seemingly insurmountable difficulty, Shah weaves a story that is just one of the good things I have learned all year long. Well written and endless fun. You must buy this book!


On the Road, by Jack Kerouac

Written in 1957, Jack Kerouac's Beat Generation classic is a timeless travel novel. The story follows his character, Sal, as he leaves New York City heading west, riding a railroad, making friends, and playing all night. The main character's frustration and desire to see the world are topics that can affect many of us. What I love most about this story is that in all his travels, he is a better, stronger, and more confident person. I can see myself in that.


Unlikely Destinations: The LP Story, by Tony & Maureen Wheeler

Written by the founders of Lonely Planet, this book tells the story of the rise and fall of a company with its own guidebook that may be in your bag or bookshelf right now. This story follows them from England in the 1970s to the early 21st century. Inside, you hear all their travel stories and learn about their early business struggles. While the book drew attention to other sections, it was finally read with interest by a company that helped start a travel book industry and permanently changed the way we travel.


The Lost City of Z, by David Grann

The book seeks to find out what happened to Percy Fawcett, who traveled through the Amazon rain forest in search of the lost city of Z. Blending history, biography, and travelogue. Z and the possibility that there may be large, high-quality communities on Amazon. The book reminded me of the Right Turn in Machu Picchu: a modern-day author follows a traveler through the jungle. I learned a lot about the region and the history of the cultures that lived in this world long before Westerners came and went about killing people.


The Beach, by Alex Garland

Without Alchemist, this is probably my favorite travel book. (I also like the movie, but the book is much better.) What I like about Alex Garland's story about the backpack and their quest for paradise is that you can see yourself as Richard and his attempt to do "something different and leave the beaten path," but in the end, he saw that as a hoax. And it is good news that the betterment of those who deny it can eventually ruin that good. I really like this book - I read it twice. Now as I write about it again, I think I might read it again soon.


Vagabonding, by Rolf Potts

Written by a roaming godfather, Rolf Potts, the book is a must-read for those who are new to the long journey. Rolf spent 10 years on the road (even across Israel), and his book contains important details, interesting quotes, and many practical details. From saving to planning on street life, this is a must for newbies. It is an inspiring book that touched me deeply as I planned my trip. It goes deeper into the motive and philosophy of a long journey that no other book is close to doing.


In A Sunburned Country, by Bill Bryson

It's hard to choose just one of Bill Bryson's books that's good because they're all like that. It is one of the largest and most recognizable names in travel writing. The book tells the story of a journey through Australia and takes you from east to west, past small mining towns, forgotten coastal towns, and jungle forests. Bryson incorporates many things into his plans as he walks around in fear - and sometimes in fear (because of the box of jellyfish, riptides, crocodiles, spiders, and snakes) - of this vast land. This is a book that inspired me to want to go to Australia.


The Geography of Bliss, by Eric Weiner

Writer and NPR correspondent Eric Weiner embarked on a year-long journey to discover the most exciting places in the world. He travels to places like Iceland, Qatar, Denmark, India, and Moldova (the most unpleasant place in the world) in his quest, and although he does not find the secret of happiness, his journey makes learning amazing and easy. In an attempt to answer the question “what makes a society happy ?”, Weiner has interesting connections with local people and cultural experiences.


Turn Right at Machu Picchu, by Mark Adams

The book tells the story of Adams' legend of his conquest of Peru in search of the ruins of the Inca and ancient cities, following the archaeological route of the archaeologist Hiram Bingham. This book has taught me a lot about Peru, and I am encouraged to visit the many places Adams has explored on my trip there next year. Like him, I totally plan the right turn. It was the best travelogue I ever read last year and inspired me to visit many of the places he did in the book.


Cruising Altitude, by Heather Poole

Heather Poole's book is about life as a flight attendant. I, strangely enough, picked it up at the airport and read it from the plane. Quick, easy reading about what it's like to work on 35,000 feet. You learn the names of the crew, about training, dealing with pilots, and the daily life that happens in the air. There was some funny news and it gave me new insights into how hard the flight attendants worked and how much they could put up with!


A Year of Living Danishly, by Helen Russell

This was probably my favorite book of the year. When her husband got a job at the Lego offices in Jutland, Helen Russell decided to go with him to Denmark, hire freelancers, and try to figure out why the Danes were so happy. From childcare, education, food, and interior design to taxes, sexism, and everything in between (it turns out that Danes love to burn witches), Helen's funny, the piercing story kept me happy from start to finish. It is instructive, humorous, self-deprecating, and tells a good story of someone trying to be accepted. As someone who loves Denmark, has a lot of Danish friends and thinks Copenhagen is one of the best cities in the world, I couldn’t put this down.


If you read just one of these books, make it! Travel brochures encourage us to travel to distant places and imagine ourselves doing wonderful things. Bryson’s In a Sunburned Country encouraged me to want to visit Australia! I hope these travel books inspire you to travel the world and nurture your wanderings. If you have suggestions I could add to this list of best travel books, leave them in the comments. Don’t forget to use USEDBOOKSFACTORY to get the mentioned books for cheap and Promising Prices.

You will not regret them, Cheers.



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