Things to Remember for Improving Your Novel Writing

Things to Remember for Improving Your Novel Writing

Things to Remember for Improving Your Novel Writing

Things to Remember for Improving Your Novel Writing

Fiction has always remained an integral part of human life, and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that different evolutionary stages of human beings are somehow incomplete without fiction. For ages, storytelling has made humans think beyond the defined spectrum of societal norms, values, and culture.

People believe reading good novels is one of the best things to do; they are 100% right. But do you know writing novels is way more delightful than reading them? The whole process of creating a fictional story gives pleasure and amusement to authors. In fact, the writers live many lives in a short span.

However, writing good novels is not an easy task for anyone. That's why many great non-fictional writers fail to produce astonishing books. Drafting a good story is like solving the hardest puzzles where one mistake can ruin your efforts and lead you to failure.

If you are writing a novel, you need to be careful about everything, from creating a character's persona, story development, and most importantly, wrapping up the story with the lines that touch the readers' hearts and leave them speechless. Once you draft a novel, you should always proofread it for improvement and make your novel memorable for generations to come. And remember that proofreading is the process where you polish your novels and add a wow factor to your story.


Let's discuss the key things to remember while improving your novel writing.

Never Use Long Words Where Short Words Can do the Task

George Orwell, one of the best and most-read novelists in human history, advises writers not to use long words in their writings when the short words can communicate the exact meaning. In fact, the writer of Animal Farm and 1984 used the word "never." He emphasized the importance of short and compact words that everyone can understand. Using long words is good when you are writing for an audience that understands them and loves to read those kinds of words. But novels are written for the general public, so their language must be simple and understandable.

Instead of focusing on exceptional vocabulary, try to use your mind to polish your story. It is the storyline of your novel that is more important than the selection of words. Though readers love the extraordinary words you use, they live the story. So, remember Orwell's words to improve your novels.


Let People Believe in Your Words

One Hundred Years of Solitude writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez has compared fictional and non-fictional writing. According to him, one false fact can ruin the entire work, and it is enough to damage the whole work. On the other hand, a single fact or character can legitimate the entire story. Adding a fact or a realistic character can make your whole story acceptable. When people start believing in your words, you do not only get an appreciation for that specific story, but they will also wait for your next novels or stories.

You should try to improve your writing by remembering the words of Marquez. These are not the ordinary words delivered by a random person; it is a suggestions by one of the best novelists in history.

Don't Ruin Your Novel's Beauty with a Bad Choice of Tone

If you want your novel to pay you back in terms of appreciation and recognition, choose the tone wisely. If the readers don't get a good impression while reading your stories, they will throw your book away and start reading others. Therefore, your article's tone and writing style should be engaging enough to catch the audience's attention and force them to read your whole novel.

In case you are not 100% confident in your style and tone, you can get help from the online tools. After writing the script or a chapter, you can rephrase it using a paraphrasing tool. The rewrite tool polishes the work by improving the tone, eliminating or replacing the repetitive words, and adding impression to the writing. With the help of a rephrase tool, you can also get acquainted with the most relevant words and terminologies. That's how you can make your novels more pleasing and impactful.

Always Have a Few Questions in Mind

Orwell suggested novelists always have a few questions in mind while writing every sentence of their novels. The answers to these questions can polish the whole novel and make it more effective and notable. So let's see what those questions are!

  • What are you trying to communicate with that particular sentence?
  • What words are the most suitable to express the whole scenario?
  • What idioms can make the entire situation clearer?
  • Are the words or phrases fresh enough to have a solid impact on readers?

 As a writer, when you will proofread your draft, you must remember these questions as they could help you improve your novel. Though this whole practice can take a bit of extra time, the impact of this practice is much more than your efforts.

Final Words

Art has always remained under the stranglehold of the ruling class, and to free it from the clutches of the oppressors' hegemony, it is necessary to challenge domination ideologues. However, even the progressive elements of society believe that art should be used as a medium to challenge the ruling class. Still, there are some cases where individuals from the minority step forward in curating art in general and literature in particular that can be perceived as an excellent asset for the majority. But to develop an outstanding novel, you should follow the tips suggested by great novelists.


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