Best kids and Childrens books for early teens

Best kids and Children’s books for early teen
The most wonderful period of anybody’s Life. “Teenage”.
Boys’ and girls` quite easily slip into the habit of reading out of natural interest or by Peer influence. They generally start off with a second book or an old book lying at home. Be it the topic or subject of interest at that particular transitional age. They will mostly start with an old, used or second book book given by a friend.
In the age of the internet, eBooks and the advent of social media in general, books surprisingly find a place in every teen’s life. They start reading out of sheer curiosity that infests itself at that ‘Teenage” which is a unique period of time for a boy or a girl. “The age of exploration” if we should call it so. They often ask – Why should we read books in aht e age of ebooks and internet? The answer is quite simple,
Reading books have quite a lot of advantages: - They,
- Improve Concentration
- Improve memory. ...
- Help in discovering the other parts of the world.
- Provide much required brain Exercise.
- Boosts Critical Thinking Skills.
- Develops Empathy.
- Develops and Expands Language skills.
- Enhances Imagination.
Not everyone likes to read. Teenage children treat reading is a chore, just something to cross off the list to make their parent or teacher happy.
Well…It doesn’t have to be that way.
Sometimes the best way to encourage a love of reading in a teenage child is simply to try lots and lots of books until the teenage one finds a topic or story they love and then that love for the story/topic morphs into a love for reading. Slowly, and then all at once.
We do have some insights into the kind of books young teenage boys and girls like to read. They generally prefer a rip-roaring action and adventure or a sweet and gentle teenage love story- just what they want.
What about a reluctant teenage reader? Would a latest literary fiction interest them? It should be noted that books on love and romance are preferred both by boys and girls, deeper themes of courage, justice, self-dignity step in later when the habit of reading starts to become a habit. But, the key factor, and the deciding reason why teenage children start turning page after page is simply when the content rouses their fantasies. So books on love and romance are a good way to start and it makes them turn Page after page. Again the best way to start is a second hand or used story book.
When you want to encourage your teenage boy to read then an exploration of finely tuned social niceties in the current day or a deeply introspective look at the nuances of the human psyche in everyday life is not what the doctor ordered. Books with battles and epic struggles of good vs evil and finding courage in impossible seeming situations, maybe, just maybe, a trigger for some to develop the reading habit. we are all wired to respond to those kinds of stories, whether a teenage boy or a girl. Maybe finding the best young adult book series is about finding a great book series of a particular period of the child’s fantasy.
Remember that some of the best and most interesting books for teen boys and girls are the books that they will actually read.
Giving children access to all varieties of literature is extremely important for their success. Educators, parents, and community members should help students develop a love and passion for reading. Not only is reading literature important in developing cognitive skills to be able to succeed in a school or work setting, but it is valuable for other reasons as well. Although there are countless values in exposing children to literature, Certain books identify the value of literature for young people. Through the Eyes of a Child. Children’s literature is important because it provides students with opportunities to respond to literature; it gives students appreciation about their own cultural heritage as well as those of others; it helps students develop emotional intelligence and creativity; it nurtures growth and development of the student’s personality and social skills; and it transmits important literature and themes from one generation to the next.
The first value to note is that literature provides teenage children and adolescents with the opportunity to respond to literature and develop their own opinions about the topic. This strengthens the cognitive developmental domain as it encourages deeper thought about literature. Quality literature does not tell the reader everything he/she needs to know; it allows for some difference in opinion. One reader may take something completely different away from the piece of literature than the next reader, based on the two personal viewpoints and experiences. Teens can learn to evaluate and analyse literature,
Second, teen’s literature also provides an avenue for students to learn about their own cultural heritage and the cultures of other people. It is crucial for children to learn these values because, “developing positive attitudes toward our own culture and the cultures of others is necessary for both social and personal development” In saying this, however, when learning about the cultural heritage of others, one should be very careful in selecting which books to recommend to young readers. There are many stories, some folktales, which contain blatant stereotypes and inaccuracies about certain cultural groups. there are some books that are more accurate in teaching the cultural differences of others. A story called “Eric” from Tales from Outer Suburbia (Tan, 2009) is a touching story about a family who takes in a foreign exchange student and must learn about their guest and accept the differences between their cultures. It has a positive message about encouraging acceptance of the cultural differences between people, which is something that we want to help nurture in our teen’s. Many books are available that depict culture as an important piece of society that is to be treasured and valued, and those books can have great value for teens. Literature helps teens develop emotional intelligence. Stories have the power to promote emotional and moral development. In order to teach them about responding to grief, there is story about a boy whose mother dies. This requires a complex level of emotional intelligence, as many young teens do not understand death. The topic of death would be more appropriate for an older grade level, but it is an important topic to discuss with teens.
Finally, literature is of value because it is a timeless tradition. It is recommended that teens read books as “books are the major means of transmitting our literary heritage from one generation to the next. Children’s literature is extremely valuable in both the school setting and at home. Teachers and parents should both be able to differentiate between quality and mediocre literature, in order to give teens, access to the best books to encourage these important values of literature and considering developmental domains. Literature is valuable in providing an opportunity to teens to respond to various situations, as well as gain cultural knowledge, emotional intelligence and creativity, social and personality development, and literature history to teens across generations. Exposing teens to quality literature can contribute to the creation of responsible, successful, and caring individuals.
The Best Books for teenagers :
- The Night Diary. Heart-Wrenching. ...
- The Girl Who Drank the Moon. For Magic Lovers. ...
- Percy Jackson Series. An Addictive Supernatural Series. ...
- Up for Air. Perfect for Swimmers. ...
- Harry Potter Series. A Staple for All. ...
- The Science of Breakable Things. ...
- Mostly the Honest Truth. ...
- Track Series.
- The Hunger Games series.
- To kill a Mockingbird
- The fault In our stars
- The hobbit
- The catcher in the rye
- The lord of the rings
- Fahrenheit 451
- Looking for Alaska
- The book thief
- The Giver series
- The Hitcher’s guide to the galaxy series.
- The outsiders
- Anne of Green gables series
- His Dark Materials series
- The perks of being a wall flower
- The princess bride
- Lord of the flies
- Divergent series
- Paper towns
- The Mortal Instrument series
- An abundance of Katherines
- Flowers for Algernon
- Thirteen reasons why
- The curious incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
- Speak
- Twilight series
- Uglies series
- The Infernal devices series
- Tuck Everlasting
- The absolutely true diary of a Part-Time Indian
- The sisterhood of the Travelling pants series
- The call of the Wild
- Will Grayson, Will Grayson.
- Go ask Alice
- Howl’s moving Castle
- Stargirl
- A separate Peace
- Vampire Academy Series
- Abhorsen Triology
- Dune
- Discworld / Trifanny Aching series
- My sister’s keeper
- The Dark is rising series
- Graceling series
- Forever…
- Earthsea series
- The Inheritance series
- The Princess diaries Series
- Song of the Lioness series
- Treasure Island
- Delirium Series
- Anna and the French Kiss
- Hush, Hush saga
- Little blue envelopes
- Its kind of a funny story
- The Gemma Doyle Triology
- Miss peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
- The House of Mango Street
- Something Wicked This way comes
- The Chocolate War.