Best reference books for JEE mains and advanced preparation

Best reference books for JEE mains and advanced preparation

Best reference books for JEE mains and advanced preparation

Joint Entrance Examination i.e. JEE all the students have heard this word once in their entire life from friends, family, seniors, teachers. JEE is the engineering entrance examination conducted for admission to various engineering colleges in India. JEE examination is conducted mainly on two different levels: JEE Mains and JEE Advanced. Mainly many students called it as IIT JEE examination or AIEEE, which is one of the most important entrance exams for engineering students

The best way to prepare for JEE is to buy specific books based on topic and chapters. Buying second hand books in websites like helps to save money and buy more books - Toppers quote

Reference book subjects for JEE mains, advanced

for preparation and cracking the JEE examination, there are various competitive exams books needed to expect from school textbooks. These are the list of books that are required for preparing for JEE Mains and JEE Advanced. Basically, for the preparation of the JEE exams, there are three subjects Maths, Physics, and Chemistry. The paper is also divided equally for all three subjects, so students need to prepare equally for all three subjects. The competitive books required for the preparation of chemistry are, chemistry is mainly divided into three parts Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Inorganic Chemistry.

  • Physics books for JEE
  • Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic chemistry books for JEE
  • Mathematics books for JEE

Physics books for JEE

Book Name Book Author/Publication
Concepts of Physics Vol I and Vol II H.C. Verma
Problems in General Physics I.E. Irodov
Fundamentals of Physics Halliday, Resnick & Walker
Aptitude Test Problems in Physics Krotov
Advanced Physics Nelkon and Parker
Problems in Physics A.A Pinsky
Objective Question on Physics by D.C. Pandey Arihant Publications

Chemistry books for JEE

Physical chemistry

Book Name Book Author/Publication
Physical Chemistry O.P. Tandon
Numerical Chemistry P. Bahadur (G.R. Bathla & Sons)
University Chemistry Bruce H. Mahan
Numerical Chemistry R.C. Mukharjee
Physical Chemistry P.W.Atkins
General Chemistry Ebbing
NCERT Chemistry XI, XII Textbooks NCERT

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Organic chemistry

Book Name Book Author/Publication
Organic Chemistry O.P. Tandon
Organic Chemistry Paula Bruice Yurkanis
Organic Chemistry MORRISON & BOYD
Organic Chemistry Arihant Prakashan
Organic Chemistry Solomons
Organic Chemistry I.L. Finar
Organic Chemistry Bahal & Bahal
Organic Chemistry Peter Sykes
Organic Chemistry J.D. March
Organic Chemistry M.S. Chauhan

Inorganic chemistry

Book Name Book Author/Publication
Inorganic Chemistry O.P. Tandon
Inorganic Chemistry J.D.Lee
NCERT Chemistry XI, XII Textbooks NCERT

Mathematics books for jEE

Book Name Book Author/Publication
Maths XI & XII R.D. Sharma
Trigonometry S.L. Loney
Co-ordinate Geometry S.L. Loney
Higher Algebra Hall Knight
Problems in Calculus of one variable I.A. Maron
Algebra Arihant
Differential Calculus Arihant
Integral Calculus Arihant
Complete Mathematics for JEE Main/Advanced Tata McGraw Hill
New Pattern Mathematics for JEE Main/Advanced Arihant
NCERT Maths XI, XII textbooks NCERT

These are the list of various books required for the preparation of the JEE examination. We all want these books and at a very cheap price, but we can't go around in the market searching for all the cheaper prices of these books. As the students are already busy with schools, tuitions, and extra JEE classes they don't have enough time to look out of the cheaper price of these books. So many students don't buy these books as they can't afford it at high prices and many students buy these at high prices. Moreover, most of the time the competitive books are not available in the local bookstore so they charge extra from the students to bring it for them. So, I will suggest to you all one good option that is to buy a second-hand book rather than buying new books. As second-hand books are available at a very cheaper price and the quality is also good.

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What is JEE and why is it famous ?

JEE examination comes in Top 10 most difficult exam to crack globally. As there are two levels, so those who qualify for JEE mains which is of 360 marks and score above the cut-off marks will be eligible to get admission in the top institution as JEE main score is accepted in top engineering colleges. Furthermore, the students who get qualify for JEE Main are eligible to appear for the second level that is JEE advanced which is of 720 marks. So the students who performed well in these exams are eligible to get admission to 24 Indian Institute of Technology (IITs) campuses, 32 National Institute of Technology (NITs) campuses, 18 Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIITs) campuses.



Buy multiple JEE books for mains and advances based on topics and chapters. Time to prepare and crack JEE examination. Good luck !


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