Beginner's Guide to Start Reading Novels and Benefits of Buying Second Hand Novels Online

Beginner's Guide to Start Reading Novels and Benefits of Buying Second Hand Novels Online

Beginner's Guide to Start Reading Novels and Benefits of Buying Second Hand Novels Online

There are some things we wish we knew when we first started reading after two years of reading. Component by part, we’d want to discuss it in this article. Please bear with us, even if you aren't a beginner! You will undoubtedly come across something valuable, we guarantee it! This post may appear to be a little lengthy at first, but bear with us. We’re confident it will be worthwhile! In addition, in this piece, we will suggest some books for beginners. 

Let's start with some typical myths that prevent you from reading. There are a variety of beliefs you hold or have been told that prevent you from starting a book. The following are a few examples of common myths about reading; advantages of buying second hand novels online will come later. 

It's too late to start:  

When you pick up your first book, many people will scoff at you, claiming that if you want to be an avid reader, you should have started reading when you were a youngster. It's too late at this point. It isn't, believe us! We began reading in 10th grade (which is a bit late in that regard, right?) But now we’re readers! Just keep in mind that it's never too late to begin! 

Please, no fiction:  

Many individuals assume that fiction does not teach you anything. That it is essentially useless. In this situation, you would become averse if you had chosen to begin with a fiction book. Again, let us state unequivocally that this is not the case! Through multiple character development arcs, you acquire empathy, perspective, clarity on decision-making abilities, and everything else that non-fiction can instill in you. In the meantime, aside from the practical aspect, you do require an entertaining book from time to time to keep yourself entertained. So, don't be embarrassed, and get reading! 

The most prevalent reason is that books are boring.  

Many of the readers began with this concept in mind (including me). Of all, many of the life-altering experiences sound dull before you attempt them. Many first-timers attempt to read a book but abandon it because they become drowsy (this is very common). Don't be too quick to give up! Every novel appears to be less enjoyable at first since the author must set up the story's idea before the action begins. Isn't it true that you can't just leap in? Just start reading a couple more pages while keeping this in mind. If you're still not hooked after 40 pages, choose a different book. Don't give up reading completely! Start with one of the popular books. 

When you can watch instead of reading, it's a win-win situation:  

'Books are way better than movies,' you've probably heard a lot of your literary friends say. We say that for a purpose, after all! When you begin reading a book, the plot begins to take shape in your mind as well. You don't even have to try to imagine the book; it just comes to you organically! Every time you read a section of the book, it's like watching a scene from a movie. That is the most enjoyable aspect of reading a book. Overall, it's like viewing a really large movie with a lot of details and feelings that will leave you quite happy when you're finished. You don't want to miss out on this, believe me! 

These were some of the misconceptions that needed to be dispelled. Let's move on to the reading section now that we've finished with that. As we previously stated, you should never feel ashamed of the book you're reading. It can be fiction, nonfiction, self-help, romance, crime, or whatever you like. 

You're reading for yourself, not for the sake of pleasing others. Keep that in mind, and don't worry about what other people think! 

Once you've gotten started, you'll need to decide whether you prefer physical or electronic books. People generally prefer physical books because of the scent and feel of them. We enjoy physical books as well, but we prefer eBooks because they are more convenient. As a result, you must determine which type you prefer. Again, don't consider what others have to say (people tend to shame the eBook readers). It's up to you to figure out what works best for you! If you're looking for a unique way to express yourself, this is the place to 

If you're the 'physical book' kind, the first thing you should do is join a library.  

That makes it a lot more inexpensive. You can also join online libraries to have access to a wider choice of resources. Do not because they charge entirely too much for the books! Rather, purchase books from online stores such as Usedbooksfactory. You can get a Rs. 700 book for Rs. 200 on the internet! 

If you’re the ‘Fiction’ type: 

  1. Harry Potter series. (These are the perfect books to get you started. Trust me, you are going to get hooked just after a few pages) 

  1. Divergent. 

  1. Red Queen series. 

  1. Hunger Games series. 

  1. Maze runner. 

Except Red Queen, all the others have been turned into movies. So, if you loved the movies, you will definitely love the books. Just go for it! 

If you’re the ‘Non-Fiction’ type: 

  1. Night (by Elie Wiesel). 

  1. The diary of a Young Girl. 

  1. Thinking, Fast and Slow. 

  1. Becoming (by Michelle Obama). 

  1. Into Thin Air. 

If you’re a ‘Crime and Mystery’ type: 

  1. The Da Vinci Code. 

  1. Will Robie series (by David Baldacci). 

  1. The Lost Symbol. 

  1. And Then There Were None. 

  1. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. 

If you’re the ‘Horror and Thriller’ type: 

  1. The Shining. 

  1. Haunting of the hill house. 

  1. IT. 

  1. The Exorcist. 

  1. The Outsider (by Stephen King). 

And last but not the least… 

If you’re the ‘Self-help’ type: 

  1. Think and Grow Rich. 

  1. The Power of Now. 

  1. Loving What Is. 

  1. How to Win Friends and Influence People. 

  1. Psycho-Cybernetics. 

So, there you have it! We suppose this is sufficient to get you started. These are a few things we discovered through trial and error during my two years of reading. We all have that one buddy who we keep trying to persuade to start reading books, but to no avail. I hope this post assists you in persuading them! I have something to say to all your non-readers: 

Don't worry about it too much; just start reading. Allow things to flow naturally. Don't let negative thinking like 'I don't have time for it' get in the way. Just get started, and I promise you won't be sorry. Never be ashamed of the book you're reading, and never be ashamed of another person's. Keep this in mind and you'll be OK. 

If you're still on the fence about establishing this habit, check read my earlier article where I discussed my personal experience with it. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope you found this information useful! 

And, as always, Happy Reading! 

Buying Second Hand Novels Online 

We at Usedboosfactory adore nothing better than cracking open an old crisp book and getting whisked away to another world. Unfortunately, the internet has overtaken bookstores and second hand shops, removing the pleasure of reading. Rather than searching through dusty shelves in search of an old classic, many consumers are opting for e-readers or ordering books online. 

The Usedbooksfactory team enjoys collecting books, but is it necessary to buy brand new copies? Used novels will always hold a special place in our hearts. So, here are a few reasons why we always choose used novels: 

The Advantages of Purchasing Second hand Novels Online 

  1. Second Hand Novels are Affordable 

Second hand bookshops are the place to go if you're weary of spending all of your money on brand-new books. They not only have an old-world elegance, but they will also prevent you from having an empty wallet. You can get twice as many second hand novels for the same price as a new one - a great deal! 

  1. The fragrance of a second hand novel 

Nothing compares to the fragrance of an old second hand novel. Even if you're blindfolded, you'll know precisely where you are in a second hand bookshop if you smell it. 

  1. Finding out about out-of-print editions with second hand novels 

The appeal of second hand stores is the chance of obtaining out-of-print or first-edition editions of your favorite books. These second hand novel copies are far more precious and unique than current editions, and are a must-have for any book enthusiast! You never know what you'll uncover in a dusty stack of books at a thrift store. 

  1. Relationship to previous owners of second hand novels 

It's true what they say: every person who buys a book leaves a piece of themselves in it. There will always be little details about a gently used second hand novel that will connect you back to the prior owner, from a crinkle in the page to an underlined quote. 

  1. You can give a second hand novel to someone else as a gift. 

When you fall in love with a second hand novel and give it to someone else to love, the object takes on a life of its own. That is the most fantastic reason we can think of! 


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