7 steps for Mompreneurs to sell preloved kids books in bulk

7 steps for Mompreneurs to sell preloved kids books in bulk

7 steps for Mompreneurs to sell preloved kids books in bulk

Becoming a mom is one of the greatest joy any woman can ever experience. Along with the kid, comes the responsibility and it becomes very difficult to balance personal and professional life. Many moms are looking for ways to work from home without compromising their lifestyles and hence, the word 'Mompreneur' is becoming very common these days. Nowadays, there are many ways to make a small decent income by working from home. If you are looking to become a successful Mompreneur by selling preloved kids books online, you are just a few steps away.

1. Start Networking by scouting for users of preloved kids books

2. Buy Preloved Kids books wholesale in bulk at affordable price

3. Online Presence of your preloved children books business

4. Advertise your preloved kids books business

5. Provide quality customer service to your Customers

6. Scale up your business by selling preloved imported kids books across India

7. Never compromise on the quality of the product

Already geared to buy preloved kids books wholesale in bulk ? Checkout the wholesale page for enquiries

Start Networking by scouting for users of preloved kids books

Before starting any business, it is very important to understand the demand and the target customers to whom you want to sell preloved kids books. If you are staying in a gated community, talk to your friends and understand their thoughts and opinion about buying preloved kids books. Contact the schools and libraries nearby to let them know about your second-hand kids books business. It is also very helpful to contact people who are already in the business of buying and selling preloved kids books. This helps in understanding the business better and if you are lucky they might also share their mistakes and struggles which they did in their initial times. Keep researching on the Internet to understand the demand of preloved kids books and understand the various types of books for each age group like paperbacks, board books, hardcover kids books, flap books, finger puppet books, and many more. The initial research and groundwork may seem tedious but it is very helpful in later stages while buying preloved kids books in bulk.

Buy Preloved Kids books wholesale in bulk at affordable price

It is very important to source preloved kids books, children book wholesale in bulk at cheap and affordable price. Imported kid's books from UK and Canada can be procured very easily. One such famous and reliable website to buy preloved kids books in bulk is Usedbooksfactory. Usedbooksfactory is the market leader and best place to buy imported preloved kids books wholesale. Usedbooksfactory provides the best quality of preowned kid's books at a very low and affordable price. They are famous for providing the best quality books of preloved children books. You may contact them via email or you can WhatsApp them to enquire about the price of preloved kids books in kgs. If you want to experiment first, it is recommended to buy 50kg -100 kg of imported kid's books. In this way, you will understand the various types and the demand for each type of book at a very affordable investment.

Online Presence of your preloved children books business

After buying preowned kid's books wholesale in bulk, how will you let the larger audience know about your business? Instagram and Facebook are the best social network platform to connect with the target customer. Create an account on Instagram and Facebook, invite your friends to follow/like your page, and request them to spread it across to their families and friends. Start conducting events and giveaways to attract people to know about your page. Use relevant hashtags which are popular and related to preloved kid's books. Spend a good amount of time researching the popular hashtags related to preowned kid's books. Use those hashtags along with every Instagram and Facebook post in the caption. These hashtags help in reaching out to a larger audience. It is important to be very active in social media. Every day 3-4 posts of kid's books should be posted along with details in the caption like the type of the book hardcover book, kids board book, paperback books, eligible age group of kids for the books, and the condition of the preowned kid's books. Posts like videos of kid's books to show the quality of the books help to gain the trust of customers.

Advertise your Preloved kid's books business

Advertising the business plays a huge role in growing your business. Click some catchy and attractive pictures of imported kid's books and post them on Instagram and Facebook. Promote your posts to reach the target customers. Instagram and Facebook advertisements have proved a huge boost in sales for many businesses. You can also use google ads for advertising. Along with the online advertisement, promote your preloved children's books business offline as well. Publish imported children's book ads in newspapers. Use handouts and flyers of kids books to promote your business. Give away promotional products as gifts to people to promote your imported kid's books business. Promotional products like pens, keychains, stationary items for kids with the company logo inscribed on them. Distribution of promotional merchandise for kids is an excellent way to promote your business. Keep offline events to organize imported kid's books stalls in schools and even near office campuses to attract parents.

Provide quality customer service to your Customers

Having good customer service support plays a major role in having a repetitive customer base. Ensure that you are all ears to listen to their complaints and feedback. Listen to your customers patiently and try to fix their complaints related to damaged books or any other issue. Always be ready with an alternative solution to your customer which is a win-win solution to both parties. Customers are always eager to receive their books after placing their orders, it is always icing on the cake if you provide a small hand-written note or any free merchandise along with the imported children's books. Fast delivery of their order also helps in gaining a customer base. Always keep them posted on call or email in case of late delivery or any other technical issue. Gain their trust by providing good quality of preloved imported kids books at a very affordable price and encourage them to buy environment-friendly second-hand children books.

Scale-up your business by selling preloved imported kids books across India

Once you have got a good customer base in your local for selling preloved kids books, it's time to scale up your business by buying preloved kids books in bulk in larger quantity and selling it across India. Well, there are many ways to scale it up. You can get your own e-commerce website and start selling preloved kid's books across India by partnering with the third-party courier service. However, this will require a huge investment and a long time for your website to come up in google searches. If you are looking for an economical way to scale up your business, then you may also become a seller in Usedbooksfactory which is India's first marketplace to buy preloved kids books. Becoming a seller in Usedbooksfactory is very simple. Just WhatsApp them and share your kid's book quality, they will get back to you with the further procedure. Usedbooksfactory provides shipping services as well which includes amazing services like Cash On Delivery for customers across India. They are India's largest preloved kids books marketplace to buy and sell preowned kids books in bulk which are imported from UK and Canada. Usedbooksfactory has a google rating of 4.7 stars and has a great customer care team. All you need to do is, become a seller, upload your preloved kid's books inventory and pack the orders on time, delivery team will pick them up from your place.

Never compromise on the quality of preloved kid's books 

One of the core values of every successful entrepreneur is to maintain the quality of preloved kid's books. Always have a good quality check team to segregate the best quality of kid's books. Good quality of preloved kids books and timely delivery of books is the key to customer satisfaction. To keep the quality and freshness of the kid's books intact, kid's books can be bubble wrapped to prevent them from dust and bugs. Keep your customers happy so that they always come back to you for their future purchase of preloved kids. books.


  • Name:Jasmin

    I was searching for place to buy preloved kids books in bulk. Thank you for your detailed blog. :) got to know about www.usedbooksfactory.com

  • Name:Sanjay Agrawal

    I wanted to buy preloved kids in bulk. Bought 100 kgs of preloved kids books from usedbooksfactory. Great experience.All the books are in very good condition and delivery was very quick.

  • Name:Kavya Gupta

    Very helpful and motivating article for all the mommies out here. :)

  • Name:e


  • Name:Ashok Kumar Jain

    Very knowledgeable article and good help for those are book lovers 👍

  • Name:ubaTaeCJ


  • Name:ubaTaeCJ


  • Name:ubaTaeCJ


  • Name:ubaTaeCJ


  • Name:GoaCDtTd


  • Name:Sunitha HB

    Looking for picture story books in bulk for 6-7 years children. May I get more details on this

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